awesome fits the bill. She has a way of making me laugh no matter the
situation. Today I got a chance to spend time with her and although
she wasn't at her best, I still enjoyed it. She's been sick for the
last couple of days. Actually I had gone to see her on my mama's
prescription. Upon my diagnosis, I found out that she was twice sick,
Medically and sick as in crazy. Sick because she prescribed her own
medication and ended up taking an overdose. I still haven't come to
terms with the fact that she had two sets of the same drug that she
took concurrently. I can imagine her at the pharmacy section of
Muriranjas Hospital pleading to be given more drugs. That's the only
probable reason that comes to mind, at least for now. My grandma can
be stubborn at times, and cheeky too. And did I say she's generous,
perhaps a reason as to why she expects the same of others. In this
case more drugs, the casualty being the hospital pharmacist. FYI my
grandma is civilised, with an 's' because it's British, Not f***ing
American. She's not the type that eats raw grass and believes they'll
get healed, by God. Divine grass? Not in Kenya! Maybe in South
Africa.hehe. So yes, she ended up with two sets of the same drug,
Blood Pressure drugs with their high potassium ions. She looked dull,
not dull as in she was about to die. No, she doesn't just give in
without a fight, not just like that. I believe some of that ended up
in her brain judging from the account I got of her behavior the
previous night. I remember greeting her and then she re-closed her
eyes, sleep taking the best of her. I was told that grandpa was in
trouble trying to contain her. She was not herself and felt like she
wasn't at her normal home, like she was granny-napped, as in kidnapped
but now for grannies. She was fighting everyone that she didn't
recognize including grandpa. So here I was seated with someone, No, my
grandma, half asleep. Then suddenly she got all excited and started
praying for me. Powerful prayers I tell you. Don't I just love my
mother's mother.

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