Friday, 3 January 2014

And now that I can write...

I always wonder how I reacted to the birth of my younger sister. At barely two years at the time of her birth, I must have cursed her. Someone who was going to spend the next five years suckling, something i was not ready to give up, had to be labeled my enemy. An enemy of the status quo. I am actually told that the reason I sweat on my nose is due to over-suckling. That must have been a solid foundation and one of the reasons for my big body. My mum had to rub pepper on her breasts for me to quit suckling. How clever of her. In no way was a 6-year old going to drain all her strength. Not when he was attending school. I have a way of talking about me when the subject was not I. I'll stop here.
This piece is about one Egrah Njoki, my younger sister. This might sound familiar though, my number one (fan), as I refer to her in my pieces. Forget the childishness of a two-year old, my childhood with her was one of the best moments of my life. Cut me the siamese twins crap, we were inseperable. And our househelp took advantage of this to squeeze an overflow of tears from any of us, at will. I remember she once hid her on the roof and told those stories of my sister being stolen. I cried my heart out! I loved crying. No! I enjoyed it. I would cry till my mum came back if my brothers dared 'touch' me. The kind of cry that increases with her arrival. They'd beg me to stop in futility. And they'd have a rough evening. My sister loved me too, I was a hero and a soulmate in her eyes. She wouldn't let me go to school. Not without her. And I used to reward her. I'd take 3 packs of the maziwa ya nyayo milk, one for her, one for my mum and the other one for I. And I wouldn't drink them till I got home. I once googled the meaning of her name, Egrah, and it was like a revelation of what I already knew. It's like someone else knew her and shared her with me. And it made me mad! As a brother though. Google says she is responsible, expressive, inspirational and friendly. I am hard to impress so I search on, 'self confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you're well liked for your spontaneous happy ways.' The 'you' here is her. I stumble upon another line describing her, 'you sincerely like people and do not often experience lonileness, your work and home life are filled with association.' I pity the guy who'll marry her for one reason, insecurity! Men, you'll have to be on your level best self confidence!
If there's one person who'll automatically have a longer life out of happiness, it has to be Egrah. My sister is the only other person I know who spends a majority of her time laughing (of course the other one is I, and mum). You should have the privelege of hearing us on phone. Actually, if you need a good laugh, just call her and you'll be sure to laugh throughout the conversation. But not without a sweat, you have to be funny (like me). Sorry to burst your bubble guys but that's just it, you have to put in a little effort. No free things! Did I just say things! Okay, No free stuff!


  1. "I am actually told that the reason I sweat on my nose is due to over-suckling." that's totally me! it used to be the subject (of my bullying) every damn time at P.E in primary school. hell!!

    Nice blogpost. Family is everything


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